Monetize Your Youtube Videos

Google Adsense on Youtube

Youtube is the most popular video streaming in current time and there are billions uploaded videos and million videos watched every minute. But, there are many uploaders who do not know that they can make their uploaded videos as the second income. In the other words, that you can make money from your uploaded videos using Google Adsense by showing Google ads in your videos or beside your videos. If every viewer clicks the shown advertisement on your videos, you will receive the money from it. So, imagine if you have 10 interested videos and every video is watched by 100 viewers and all of them click your ads. It is very profitable, isn't it?

So, in this post, I'm going to show you how do we monetize our youtube videos. If you do not have adsense account, you can create it from Youtube directly and it is very easy. If we register the adsense account from Youtube directly, we will get hosted account which means we only can use it for hosted Google products like Youtube, Blogger, etc. But, if you already have non-hosted adsense account, your account can be linked directly from Youtube.

Registering Your Adsense on Youtube

1. Open your Youtube account, and make sure you have logged in to your Google Account. After that, see your left menu and click My Channel.

2. After that, you will see a Video Manager button and click it. It will shows you an Youtube Videos Manager. After that, click Channel on the left and click Status and features. Make sure that your account has verified by Google. If not, you can click Verify button and follow the steps until finish.

3. If you have verified, you will see Enable button on monetization part on current web page. Click Enable button.
Enable adsense

4. Then, you will see the pop up message which describes about your account status. Also you may click the information like How can my videos make money?
Enable Account

5. After that, you will be moved to another page which desribes about Youtube partner programs terms. Read it carefully and you may click I Accept button. The important thing is, Do not click your own advertisement which is shown on your videos or Google will ban your account.
Accept Terms

6. After that, Google will shows you the form and fill all the fields with the real data. So Google knows who is their partner and where they will pay you. After you submit your Adsens application, your status is in review which means Google will decides to accepts your application or not. If they have accepted your application, you can start the monetization of your videos.

Open your Video Manager on Youtube, and choose the videos which are going to be monetized.
Monetize Youtube

But, your adsense account which is used on your Youtube can not be linked with your own site or your blog. Because based on Google terms, every blogspot or website owners, have to register their site to be reviewed by Google Adsense Team.


  1. ijin bookmark dulu gan
    soalnya saya gak maen di youtube, bingung mau upload video ape :v

  2. Nice artikel sob.. jempol deh buat sobat (Y)

  3. That's right. It is the way how to monetize youtube videos, isn't it? I am a youtubers also. Thanks

  4. waahh lengkap banget penjelasannya ga, kebetulan ane masih newbie soal GA

  5. Your reviews are very interesting, you try to read this, how do you think ..

  6. baru tau ane klo ytube juga bisa digunakan untuk memonetize,
    ane malah baru belajar memonetize blog hohoho.. #kudet


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