Submit Your Site to Google Search Engine
Google Webmasters is a tool for helping website owner registering his/her website to Google Search Engine. So, his/her website can be found easily by other user when they search the keyword which is suitable with that website. For accessing the Google Webmaster, you should have a GMail account. If you do not have it yet, register your self at here.

Steps for Registering Your Website in Google Webmasters

1. Go to this link for entering Google Webmasters welcoming page and click Sign in to Search Console.

2. When you sign in successfully, click Add A Property button on the right top and it will shows you a dialog with your URL website field. example:

3. After that you will be shown a Dashboard page which contains all setting menu for your website search console management. But, for the first time, add your sitemap into Crawl -> Sitemaps -> Add/Test Sitemap with this URL :
Each you post your contents, you have to resubmit your sitemap regularly so, your new post would be indexed soon by Google Search.

4. Also, to optimize Google indexing process, you have to add each your post URL in Crawl -> Fetch as Google. You only add your URL after your domain. As example, if your post URL is, you have to input download-list.html only. But, before doing that, leave URL blank as your homepage and click Fetch and Render. After that you may input one by one each your post URL.

Then your submitted URL will be shown and click Submit to Index button to make a request to Google for indexing your URL.

Please wait arround 15 minutes and then your site should be shown in Google Search with matched keywords content.


  1. Searchingbrain is software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide engines


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